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E1: Reiley's Oatmeal Recipe

E1: Reiley's Oatmeal Recipe

Photo Feb 05, 5 11 17 AM.jpg

Day One of the breakfast challenge brought me to the basics. Oatmeal is a breakfast staple when living on a budget of both time and money.

There are so many great ways to make variations, and there are an equal number of ways to screw it up. Oatmeal tends to be very forgiving however, and just a few simple tweaks can take it from slop to gourmet in just a little more time. My personal favorite recipe is below:

*Note on the recipe: I record everything by weight as it's much easier to duplicate in the kitchen. Your very first purchase when you are headed into the life of a home cook should be a kitchen scale. Life changer.*

Reiley's Not Famous Have A Great Day Oatmeal:

Total Cost: $1.51
Time: 15 Minutes
Serves: 1

5g Butter (vegan or otherwise)
70g Oats (I prefer thick rolled oats if you can find them)
250g Water
100g Frozen Fruit (mine is made with cherries)
25g Coconut Sugar (or your favorite sweetener)

-Put the butter in a skillet over medium heat.
-Once the pan is warm (not hot), add the oats. Stir and toast until oats are       fragrant and nutty.
-Add water. Cook for 5 minutes.
-Add fruit and sweetener. Stir for 1 minute off heat.